Hello, body.
How are you?

Are you happy?

Have your whispers been heard?

Has your natural rhythm been followed?

The beginning of The Joy of Movement

I’ve always been very intrigued by bodies from a young age. I have studied biomedical science and dental surgery to understand the human body better.

I’ve experimented with my body through rhythmic gymnastics, Latin dance, ballroom dance, Indian dance, and yoga.

However, dancing with a choreographic structure gradually became less fun for me. They are becoming a limitation.

My body would naturally move in its own rhythm without music. It may not look aesthetically pleasing, but it has given me so much freedom and joy with my body.

I started following my body and allowing it to lead me into the movement. And I discovered that every body part has its wisdom and rhythm, including the smallest cell. The different parts of my body will lead and follow each other into this beautiful dance. At the end of my dance, I always have a sense of ease, joy, relaxation and peaceful liveness with my body.

I followed my body more, allowing it to play with everything it wanted to dance with. We danced with the plants, the ocean, the pillows and even the energy of my business, money and future possibilities.

The more I choose to get out of my way and follow my body into movement. The flow of my body seamlessly transforms into the flow of my life, where changes and creations can happen so fast and effortlessly.

My life has become an improvised dance.

I call it “The Joy of Movement”.

An invitation

You have a beautiful body too, my friend.

Would you like to follow your body’s lead and dance into the world of possibilities?


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