Access your future


Are you willing to create a different future for you and for planet Earth?

Prerequisite: Access your transliteration genius (hyperlink to shop page of [access you transliteration genius]class)

This class is translated from Chinese to English by Dr Huan Xu.

Includes: 3 hours of recording.

Full price: 640 AUD

Country pricing applies and is automatically calculated at checkout.

*Cost is displayed in Australian dollars (AUD).


We all have the superpower to know the future beyond time and space.

At any present moment, you can perceive the future and change the future.

What’s even better?

You can weave the future possibilities into your life, actualising them now.

Indeed, when you are willing to open up your futurist capacity, you become the generative source of your life and future.

Are you willing to create a different future for planet Earth?