Hi, I'm Huan.I'm the creator of Joy of Movement, an Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator, a Massage of 5 Continents facilitator, and above all, I'm a joyous explorer of new possibilities.

How did my Joyney start?

I worked at a high-end dental practice six years ago, making good money. I married a wonderful husband, and we had a beautiful daughter.

Life was good, but something was missing. I started looking for more, even though I wasn’t sure what “more” meant.

One day, a friend introduced me to Access Consciousness. He said, “I’ve never seen anyone change so much in an hour. You should try it out.” That was the beginning of my adventure into something completely different.

As I took the classes, it became apparent that what I had as a good life was not enough. I could see the rest of my life down a one-lane street.

I wanted more possibilities and became a Certified Facilitator of Access Consciousness.

As I started running classes and seeing the spark in people’s eyes come alive, I knew this was what I wanted to create in the world. I could spend my life fixing people’s teeth, or I could spend my life igniting the joy of living in people.

And I chose more JOY.

I was getting happier and happier each day. I stopped judging myself. And I wake up every morning loving what I do!

The happy glow started to shine through my body, life, coaching business and finance.

I wanted more possibilities and became a Certified Facilitator of Access Consciousness.

As I started running classes and seeing the spark in people’s eyes come alive, I knew this was what I wanted to create in the world. I could spend my life fixing people’s teeth, or I could spend my life igniting the joy of living in people.

And I chose more JOY.

I was getting happier and happier each day. I stopped judging myself. And I wake up every morning loving what I do!

The happy glow started to shine through my body, life, coaching business and finance.

I kept asking for more, and the Massage of 5 Continents showed up, and it sparked the joy of magical touch I’ve always known was possible. So I chose to become a facilitator of the world’s best massage.

I kept choosing more, and my body started to move into improvised dances that gave me a sense of peaceful joy and communion with everything. The Joy of Movement was born.

I am still asking for more, and I am still choosing more every day.

Life has truly become a joyous adventure for me.

Would you like to ignite your joy of living too?

I’m here to contribute!